Brain Training In Chennai
Brain training is a programmed set of regular activities purported to maintain or improve one's cognitive abilities.
This is the development of fluid intelligence like executive functions and working memory. This includes improved focus, flexible thinking and self control , which are needed to succeed in any role in life.
There are many apps out in the digital world which claim to offer brain training, but their effectiveness is not established.
At Creative Karma and Be Your Best with Dr.Prithika Chary we have unique methods of rewiring and training your brain by making you understand how the brain works in simple, understandable language, so that you can make small, but significant changes over time with our webinars, courses and instalives.
In each session a topic is carefully selected, the science of the process is explained, and what you can do in everyday life to apply this science to nurture and grow your potential at the mind brain body level. The gap of 5-10 days between programs gives you time to try out the process learnt in each session, so you can choose what works for you and practice and implement. This is based on sound science and an understanding of the Spirit-Mind-Brain-Endocrine-Body-Immune system link.
For instance, when you become a member of the Creative Karma Virtual Club, you get two webinars and four instalives free every month for one year. The uniqueness of our program is that you have a take home message which you can implement right away and begin your journey in rewiring your brain.
Neuroplasticity is the brain’s ability to restructure or rewire itself when there is need for adaptation. Neuroplasiticity exists in all brains and even after a life challenge or an illness can be taken advantage of to repair and increase the activity of the brain. Any activity if done repeatedly for 21 to 66 days can teach the brain a new way of working.
So sign up for our weekly newsletter, explore our free Ebooks, join us for our webinars (free and Paid), purchase our courses and recordings and be part of our BYB inner circle & CKVC inner circle by visiting our website at https://drprithikachary.com