Do you feel exhausted? Is your brain overloaded?
Do you feel like your mental space is gradually transforming into a chaotic mess by a stream of clutter?
If you feel so, then your mind is desperately waving a red flag, urging you to clear some
Just like our cupboards, our body, mind & spirit also need a clean-up from time to time. Getting rid of all that unnecessary mental baggage is very important to stay focused, motivated and productive.
Here are some simple and effective ways to declutter your mind, body & soul in no time:
Set Priorities
A famous poet once said: “The problem with not having a goal is that you can run from one side of the court to the other in your life, but you will never score.” so prioritization is a good way to control your life in advance. Figure out the most important things in your life, like your ambitions and long-term goals. List your top priorities and ensure that your action plans reflect the priorities you set.
The next step is to develop a perfect action plan to achieve your goals. How you allocate time to focus on each point on the list is very crucial. Remember that your priorities list will change with age, but it is okay as long as your priorities are serving you.
Avoid Toxic People in Your Life
Is there anyone in your life who makes you feel discouraged all the time? Whether it’s your family member or close friend, there’s no reason to maintain a toxic relationship with them if it doesn’t improve your life or make you feel better.
There are times when you need to let go of someone if they cross boundaries, add stress or drama to your life, or interfere with other aspects of your life. They will clutter up your mind and soul more than you know.
Learn To Let Go
The famous writer Roy T. Bennett writes in his book The Light in the Heart; “Accept yourself, love yourself, and move forward. The only way to fly is to let go of things which drag you down”.
“Give yourself permission to walk away from anything that gives you bad vibes. There is no need to explain it. Just trust what you feel “
Sonia Choquette COO Facebook
In order to keep your mind clear, you should eliminate all the negative thoughts, fears and concerns that occupy your mind. This helps reduce stress, boost self-esteem, and restores your mental space. Replace your negative thoughts with positive ones by monitoring them regularly.
Make Time for a Daily Walk in Nature
In the midst of daily chaos, there’s nothing more soothing than a daily walk in nature. Past research has repeatedly shown how a nature walk can calm your mind and soul. In an observational study conducted by Stanford in 2015, taking a 90-minute walk or hike in nature can make you feel more calmer, happier and even reduce your risk of depression.
Avoid Multitasking
I know, I know. That sounds counter-productive. But trust me, updating your social media status and talking with someone online while preparing for that office presentation is not the smartest idea.
Even though sometimes it is beneficial to multitask, constant juggling between tasks distracts your attention, creates confusion, increases stress, and makes it difficult for your brain to filter out unnecessary information.
According to a study performed by Stanford University, continuous multitasking results in decreased brain efficiency and cognitive impairment.
It is advisable to focus on one task at a time. Create a daily to-do list and make sure your to-do list is as simple as possible and realistic. Complete the tasks one by one, starting with the most important task of the day.
Get Rid of Your Clutter
People with messy workspaces and homes are less productive and more frustrated compared to organized individuals. Well, now you know! Declutter your workspace and home, especially the kitchen, as soon as possible; don’t put it off for tomorrow.
Organise your home and office desk by getting rid of unnecessary items and assigning each item a proper place. The most efficient way to keep your workspace and home organized without feeling overwhelmed or exhausted is to clean up the mess daily at the end of the day.
Start Being a Bit More Selfish
Occasionally, we feel selfish when we do things for ourselves, but we shouldn’t be. In your day-to-day life, you are all about keeping your boss, friends, and family happy and well.
Are you really devoting time to yourself? You’ll be able to declutter your mind and soul only if you spend some time focusing on your needs instead of giving all your time to everyone else’s. No matter how “selfish” it might seem, your emotional health should always come first.
As long as you are not harming others in any way, live unapologetically in all you do. You don’t need validation from anyone for anything.
Don’t compare yourself to others.
It’s impossible to avoid comparing yourself to others in today’s world. You may experience it all the time while reading a magazine, watching TV, and even while scrolling through social media stories.
Focusing on a way of life that has been super-edited doesn’t do any good for your mental well-being, so understand that and start to see the world more honestly. You’ll feel like your soul has been filled with new energy.
Get a Soothing Bath
Giving a detox to your body is sometimes the best way to relax and wind down. And what could be a better option than a soothing bath? Consider using a bath bomb made with natural ingredients instead of buying one from a supermarket that has a menu of strange ingredients. Fill the tub with warm water and fruit slices or essential oils to completely relax your body and rejuvenate your spirit.
For those who don’t have a bathtub, take a spa break or have a massage or a brisk warm shower to feel energized and relaxed.
Think About Your Diet
If you do not feed your body properly, you cannot feed your mind and spirit in a healthy way.
Take a moment to examine your diet; If it’s filled with processed foods and a few fruits and vegetables, then you should change your diet for your own good. Start including wholesome foods that benefit your body and brain in your daily menu.
A bunch of fruits for breakfast is better for your physical and emotional health than a sugary bar.
Keep the Gadgets Away & Sleep Early
Having gadgets in the bedroom does more than just negatively impact sleep—it doesn’t allow you to declutter your mind before going to bed.
You’re just feeding yourself more and more useless data by lying on your bed and scrolling through your phone, especially in your sleep time.
Use the gadgets minimally when necessary. If you give the necessary sleep time to yourself, you will feel a lot more light and relaxed in the morning.
Most importantly, stop a few seconds throughout your day, think of something which makes you happy, express gratitude for the joy and do random acts of kindness. This releases happy chemicals in the brain and nurtures it.
So, let’s take a break and do something that will make you feel happy. You need to rest your brain in order to recharge and make it work smoothly. Are there any musty emotions and thoughts accumulating in your brain? The time has come to get rid of that junk once and for all!
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