There will be many changes in Dr.Prithika Chary’s availability for offline consultation from 1st Jan 2024.
She will not be available for emergencies but can guide her own patients to the right care. Emergencies need to be attended with the family doctor or taken to emergency at Kauvery hospital Emergency.
Thank you for your cooperation to enable Dr. Prithika Chary to serve you better
Clinic timings
Kauvery Hospital, TTK Road, Alwarpet, Chennai Mon/Tue/Wed/Fri 1:30-3:30 pm Restricted to 10 patients per session Contact 91500 54831 or 044-4000 6000 ( ask for Dr.Prithika Chary’s secretary)
Online consultation Flexible on Thursdays for all patients Time will be intimated 24 hours earlier Email: [email protected] WhatsApp: 98409 92310/91500 54831
Make your experience comfortable:
Make your appointment one week ahead to avoid disappointment.
Reconfirm the appointment 24 hours before in case there is any change
If cancelling appointment please do so previous evening by 5 pm so the slot can be allotted to another patient
Make sure you come on time
Quote your ID number if you are an old patient.
Please bring all your previous records for every visit.
Emergency patients or walk in will be seen at the discretion of the doctor.
She will not be available for emergencies but can guide her own patients to the right care. Emergencies need to be attended with the family doctor or taken to emergency at Kauvery hospital Emergency.
Thank you for your cooperation to enable Dr. Prithika Chary to serve you better. We underpromise and overdeliver. Please be a patient patient if you need to wait your turn. Remember it could be you
Free Live Webinar – A Preview of Offline Workshop
Topic: Preview of live workshop - Rewiring Your Brain for Resilience Date: Jul 28, 2022 Time: 07:00 PM India