Best Online Life Coach In Chennai
A life coach guides and encourages a client to learn life skills to manage successfully certain personal or professional issues. A life coach acts as a mentor in a trusted, safe space so the client can open up and face up to the issues and come up with the right perspective to find a solution.
At Creative Karma we offer one to one coaching as one hour sessions in different packages.
The average cost per hour for online life coaching / life coaching $100-200/- but we are offering it at just Rs2500/- so it is affordable for those facing a life or health challenge to make a comeback overcoming their setback and have reasonably good quality of life despite certain limitations.
Dr.Prithika Chary is a neuro physician and neurosurgeon, in active clinical practice in the city of Chennai since 1978. She has extensive experience and expertise in dealing with various neurological disorders. Most conditions in neurology are associated with disability and she has helped more 20,000 new patients and many of her repeat patients over the years enabling them to live full lives.
She herself is a cancer survivor since 2016 and has employed many of these strategies in her own recovery, and though she is a senior citizen is leading a fulfilled life, continuing to make major contributions to her patients and society to make the “brain” user friendly to the common man, so they can love themselves to dedicate to self care, and to learn how to nurture their brains to live up to their maximum potential, with or without residual limitations.
She calls this “Stress hardiness” and is keen on encouraging young adults to develop right habits and practices so they are strong and resilient in the face of any challenge. Also antiaging habits start at age 30 years not at age 60 years.
She wants our Indian youth who are already making their mark all over the world to be their best in every way, every day.
Do visit our website https://drprithikachary.com to know more about our one to one and group coaching programs