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Not Enough Time?

Free Webinar on "Not enough time?"

  • Time is an equitable asset given to all of us no matter who we are. The same 24 hours are given to you & me & to Warren Buffet or Narendra Modi.
  • How each one utilises this time makes the difference between a successful & useful life and living a dull, uninspired life.
  • Time lost is lost forever & can never be regained. Hence managing our time to serve our needs is a skill worth developing.
  • Almost everyone today feels they don’t have enough time to pursue their dreams, fulfil their duties & enjoy their lives.

Join me on a Free Webinar on Sunday 12/12/2021 between 11 am & 1 pm to learn how to manage your time. Learn the art of time blocking, time slotting and daily practical time management strategies to have time for work, rest & fun.