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Life is complex and cannot be mastered in a day. The power of living well lies in mastering one day at a time. Master your day and just keep doing that every day.

Enjoy the little things in your life. One fine day you’ll look back and realize they were the big things. But don’t worry about the little things along the way. Don’t let minor setbacks and hurdles discourage you and stop you as you move through life.

Set your goal and approach with small daily steps. Just one small step at a time will lead you to success. Most of us go through the stages of motivation that take us from “ It is too hard for me, I won’t do it “ through fear that “ I can’t do it”, then the desire “ I want to do it”. Once the yearning to want to do it sets in, we learn how to do it, try doing it and when we manage to do it, decide we will keep doing it

Remember that small steps in the right direction are far better than big steps in the wrong direction.

Let us look at some keystone habits for Brainpower and Body harmony

1. Food

Cut down on carbohydrates and take more healthy fats which form the protective myelin sheath around nerve fibres, and improves nerve transmission throughout the body.

Take rainbow vegetables ( bright, coloured vegetables) loaded with fibre, polyphenols and flavonoids which are anti-inflammatory, neuroprotective and supply vitamins

Eat only when the sun is out. This is in sync with the body’s natural rhythms and enables metabolism and boosts immunity

2. Exercise

Even if you have not been exercising, start now. If not any formal exercise, at least go for a walk. Half an hour a day can have tremendous health benefits

Exercise is like a natural pill which benefits the body, and the brain and protects against cognitive decline and improves neuronal nourishment

Ideally, a mix of aerobic exercise ( repetitive movements which work the heart ), resistance or weight training ( to develop muscle power), and balance training ( to maintain equilibrium, give agility and prevent falls ) is recommended.

3. Sleep

Every cell and system in the body has a biorhythm that is linked to night and day. So sleep should be at night and awake should be during the day to stay healthy. A sleep schedule is necessary for health
Duration of sleep should be 7-9 hours for autophagy ( cell cleaning ) to happen and for toxins to be removed from the brain and cerebrospinal fluid Sleeping in the right amount at the right time is the easiest, cheapest, most doable anti-ageing habit to develop.

4. Stillness

Start with external stillness by sitting quietly in silence, not doing anything for a few minutes every day. This has healing effects and decreases inflammatory stress

Internal stillness needs to be cultivated – mindfulness, meditation, breathing focus are all ways to achieve this.

Periodic relaxation with a massage, a warm bath or guided relaxation improves the mind-body connection and provides stress relief.

Most of us know all of the above but get overwhelmed when we need to change if we have been leading lives with bad health habits.

This is where the power of small actions and baby steps towards better health is most useful.

Take it one day at a time, do something – anything, even if it is just for a few minutes towards each of these healthy habits every day and keep building it up.

Patience, Persistence and Practice are the keys to success.

Most importantly don’t forget to celebrate each little win, love and appreciate your efforts, and last but not least be kind and compassionate with yourself when you fail. Don’t beat yourself up, just pick yourself up and keep trying again & again!

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